Unlimited movies, TV shows and more.

Watch anywhere. Cancel anytime.

About Us

Netflix is a streaming service that allows our members to watch a wide variety of award-winning TV shows, movies, documentaries, and more on thousands of internet-connected devices. With Netflix, you can enjoy unlimited ad-free viewing of our content.

Why we are best
for you

Netflix has been leading the way for digital content since 1997.Members can watch as much as they want, anytime, anywhere, on any internet-connected screen.

Download your shows, watch on the go.

Save your data and watch all your favourites offline.

Optimised for Android tv.

Netflix version for TVs with an Android operating system installed.

Watch everywhere.

Stream unlimited movies and TV shows on your phone, tablet, laptop, and TV without paying more.

Best App
in the market

Netflix has over 125 million members spread over 191 countries around the globe. Each day its members interact with its client applications on 250 million+ devices across various platforms, such as phones, tablets, laptops, smart TVs, game consoles, VR devices, and more. There are thousands of supported device types, each with varying levels of CPU, memory, and graphics performance.These devices are connected via mobile, wired, and WiFi networks with highly variable latency and packet loss characteristics.


Fast Streaming/

Netflix is a streaming service that allows our members to watch a wide variety of media streams.

Ad Free/

With Netflix, you can enjoy unlimited ad-free viewing of our content.


Netflix provides you one of the Best Recommendation System for suggesting you the video content that you’d like to watch.

/Ultra HD

Now, you can stream content on Netflix in 4K UHD*.

/Multiple logins

Netflix provides you multiple accounts to manage watching stream with your friends & family.

/Multiple Screens

Netflix provides you multiple screens to watch content at different devices at the same time.

"Perfection is achieved not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing more to take away"


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